Monday, April 21, 2008

Fun 'n' Games

We had a nearly momentous event at our house the other night. Amber came closer than any of us ever have to beating Brad at Monopoly. It was so exciting a prospect that we documented it with photos. Sadly, her luck ran out and she began to land on his hotel-laden property. Brad retained his title as Nielson Family Monopoly Champion. He was sweating for a while, though, and I think that her "almost" victory is good enough for a blog post! I was impressed!

The other game were are seriously enjoying is Dance Dance Revolution on the Wii. I realize that DDR is not a new phenomenon, but we are late bloomers and have only just discovered it. We played last Monday night for Family Home Evening and it ended with blood and gore...and almost stitches! Brad, in a moment of excitement, flailed his arms a little too exuberantly and smashed a lamp, slashing the back of his hand in the process! It looked like it could have benefited from a few stitches to be honest, but I think he was too embarrassed to go in and explain just how his injury occurred! He settled for some butterfly bandages and has tried, in vain, to avoid peoples' questions about his DDR battle wound.

And finally, any game on the trampoline is a good game! The kids love it when Dad and/or Mom join them...but I'm not so sure the trampoline loves it.


Jim said...

Amber, we are all cheering for you (or any of your siblings) to beat the old guy. As noted in the dancing thingy, he will risk life and limb, mostly limb, to stay on top.

Amy and Brad said...

How about cheering for ME? I haven't beaten him at Monopoly ever...and I'm a grown-up!

Jim said...

OK, we cheer for you too. Sorry.