Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Haley!

Today is Haley's 13th birthday! She's been looking forward to 13 for some time now and for several reasons:

1) It's the age we let our girls begin to wear make-up,
2) It's the age we told her she had to be in order to read the last two Twilight books and,
3) It's a friend-party year (our kids only get to have big b-day parties e/o year...for our sanity.)

Haley decided she wanted a to have a swimming b-day party, so we picked up a suburban full of giggly 12 and 13-year-old girls and went to the YMCA swimming pool. The girls forbid me to 'capture the moment' while they were in their swim suits, so I opted for an on-the-way-to-the-pool shot instead.

After swimming, we drove the girls back to our place for pizza, cake/ice cream and general b-day party fun. They jumped on the trampoline, played Band Hero and talked about boys a lot (I eavesdropped).

Haley chose cheesecake for her b-day cake (a girl after her mama's heart!) She requested two of them. Here she is pretending to be "31" instead of "13".

She seemed to have a great day - lots of fun with her friends, lots of being catered to by her family. She got her make-up, got her Twilight books and even a few other things on her wish list.



Rita said...

Mmmmm cheesecake. Happiest birthday, Haley.

TWO teenage girls in the house?? SCARY. Good thing you and Bradley Kyle are such hip parents.

Kristen said...

I was thinking of the same thing as Rita...two teenagers in the house?!?! Let the battle over the make up and hairspray officially begin!