Friday, May 28, 2010

Fathers' and Sons' Camp

Our church's Fathers' and Sons' camping trip was a couple of weekends ago. The boys look forward to it all year long...and to be honest, I think that Brad does, too.

They seemed to have a great time! Danny found three snakes and, thanks to Brad's newly instituted one-roasted-marshmallow-per-boy rule, there was no tent-puking in the night. They came home filthy and happy, which spells success!


Kristen said...

THEY'RE HOLDING A SNAKE?! I got the heeby jeebies just looking at it!

Glad they had a great non-puking time.

Rita said...

Those are some good looking little Nielsons!! I honestly can't believe Jacob would hold a snake! Yikes.

Amy and Brad said...

I was totally shocked to see a pic of JACOB holding a snake, too! Danny...that I could see :) But I didn't know Jake had it in him!