Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Big First

Danny lost his very first tooth last Sunday! He was pretty thrilled about it, too. I don't think I can tell the story as well as he can, so I'll just be his typist. Here he is, verbatim:

"I was at church, in Primary. And...well...I was wiggling my loose tooth really hard back and forth and all of a sudden it popped out and landed on my friend's pants! And he wasn't really like grossed out or anything. He was like, "Eww" and "Cool" at the same time. There was lots of blood on it, too, and Sis. Gilbert (Primary President), she told me to go to the bathroom and clean up all the blood. And how I cleaned it up is I got this dry paper towel and I wiped it on it lots of times. Before I did that, when I was still in Primary, I touched the hole in my mouth and there was blood all over my finger. And that's how I lost my tooth!"

So, quite the exciting Sabbath Day for Danny! Happily for him, the Tooth Fairy remembered her duties and left him a dollar (she is notorious - at our house, anyway - for being flaky and forgetting to stop by).


lisa said...

Such a great story-teller! I love that picture too.

Rita said...

Finally! A way to stay awake during church!

Primary workers are going straight to heaven!

Kristen said...

Congrats, Danny!

(Does he know the Tic-Tac under the pillow trick?)

Beagleys said...

Yay Danny!!! Way to be tough and not cry! ha ha

darce said...

Cute story, Amy! We must have the same tooth fairy! Always late...:)

Misty said...

Way to go, Tooth Fairy!! As you already know, ours is a failure most of the time. :{

Jamie and Mike said...

K.....he is going to be a lady killer. Wow, is he a cutie! Loved the story.

itsajelly said...

Not unlike his father I might add.

Amy and Brad said...

Well if that comment didn't clue everybody in on the identity of "itsajelly", then I don't know what will!

But I do agree. We have 3 handsome boys in our house :)