A brief update on our comings and goings:Jacob...
...is happily playing outside with Alyssa and Danny all day, every day. Their favorite thing to do is to get their swimming suits on and turn on the sprinklers (sprinkler under the trampoline is a favorite at our house.) Jacob is probably our biggest raspberry fan as well, and since we have our best crop of raspberries ever this summer, he can often be found out back picking and eating handfuls of them.
...started off the summer with a week at Nana Jo and Papa Jim's house, while I was at Girls' Camp with Amber and Haley. He enjoyed spending time with them and then got a little homesick near the end of the week, as he has never been away from home alone before. He loved flying home on the plane, though (with Nana accompanying him.) In other Danny news, he has an increased chore list this summer and is loving it! With Amber and Haley working so much we have given a few of their chores to younger siblings for the summer. Danny's still at that age where chores are fun, so we're milking it for all it's worth!
...also inherited extra chores from Amber and Haley, but is less enthusiastic about it. She did enjoy, however, getting to spend a week-full of days playing at her friend's house with Jacob while I was at Girls' Camp. Next week she goes to Nana Jo and Papa Jim's house for her one-on-one time with them (they try to have each grandchild who is past kindergarten age come visit on their own for a few days each summer.) She is really looking forward to it and is positive they have big things planned for her (no pressure, Nana and Papa!)
...has had a summer so far that's consisted of picking strawberries, attending Girls' Camp and now picking strawberries again. She gets home from work by 1PM each day and hurries to shower and run out into the neighborhood to play with friends. She loved Girls' Camp (her first year) and is anxiously awaiting the end of the strawberry season!
...Amber's summer has closely mimicked Haley's. She loved Girls' Camp and is now back to picking berries in the morning and processing them in the afternoon. She has gotten the
Top-Strawberry-Picker-Of The-Day award twice now. Learning to work hard and getting to experience the satisfaction that comes with a job well done has been great for her. Up next for Amber: EFY in Provo!
...is staying oh-so-busy with his work schedule and church responsibilities. He continues to make us feel that we are his #1 priority, however, and we love him for it. He coached Alyssa's softball team again this year and assistant coached Haley's. Their seasons came to an end in June and I could almost hear the sigh of relief as his schedule went back to normal. He did a great job Mr. Momming things while I was away with Amber and Haley, and now he is up in Canada for a cousin's wedding.
...has been busy with the usual, mostly. I had fun at Girls' Camp but am always so glad to get home. It's hard to farm kids out for that long and not be able to communicate with them to make sure everything is going well. I was happy to be able to be there with my girls, though - especially considering it was Haley's first year. Think I'll take a hiatus now until Alyssa turns 12 and goes for the first time :) We have raspberries and cherries coming out of our ears right now, so I've been busily freezing (and pitting) them. I love being able to hear the kids playing outside while I am working in the kitchen. So fun to have them home for the summer!