Wednesday, May 21, 2008

You Gotta Try This

This website cracks me up! You can put in a picture of anybody and it will scan their face and show you a collage of your celebrity "look alikes".

Two things: 1) It totally depends on which picture you use because I put in 3 different pictures of myself and got a different list of celebrities every time! 2) You may end up with a few look alikes of the opposite gender (my sister, Lisa, evidentally looks 63% like Rudolph Valentino)

Unfortunately, I don't see a resemblance to myself in any of these ladies. And for the record, I'm way nicer than Naomi Campbell - doesn't she throw things at people? I don't do that very often.


samwise_2 said...

Hey these guys know where it's at! You are a foxy mama!

I've done this before and had the same thing happen to me. It gives me different results every time. One time I put my dad's picture in and the only results he got were really obscure, strange looking asian people. Hmm...

lisa said...

I've always had a hard time telling you apart from Naomi Campbell

Amy and Brad said...

Yah, I get that a lot.

Lee said...

Naomi Campbell and Denise Richards?