Monday, May 19, 2008


I had to post this picture of Brad for his family - they will truly appreciate it! He got asked to M.C. a youth lip sync a couple of weeks ago, which gave him an excuse to go to the Goodwill and find himself a special M.C. "outfit". He created a nerdy Canadian alter ego named 'Chuck DaCanuck' and put together some stand-up-type material for in between acts. It was a fun night!


Jim said...

Brad, maybe stay with this look as it is better than the real you. Just kidding of course. Very funny stuff.

Todd Nielson said...

I was going to say, that looks like one of his high school pictures. At least the outfit. I don't remember Brad with curly hair, but hey... not a bad look.

Jamie and Mike said...

Nice look...I'm sure he was a hoot as the MC!

lisa said...

I think I prefer the head-to-toe spandex spiderman outfit I've seen him wear. But this is good too.